Inorganic Chemistry |
CH-411 |
- Understand stereochemistry and bonding in main group compounds and their geometry ,
- Learn about metal ligand bonding and various mechanisms of transition metal complexes.
Organic Chemistry |
CH-412 |
- Understand nature of bonding in organic molecules.
- They learn about stereochemistry of organic compounds ,aliphatic and aromatic nucleophilic substitution.
Physical Chemistry |
CH-413 |
- Understand quantum chemistry ,angular momentum , statistical thermodynamics.
- They learn about the thermodynamics and how it can be applied to various micro and macro systems
Mathematics For Chemist |
CH-414(a) |
- Understand the vectors ,matrix algebra.
- They learn about differential calculus.
- They learn about permutation and probability
Biology For Chemist |
CH-414(b) |
- Understand the cell structure and how cell functions.
- Understanding the structure and functions of carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids, peptides, proteins.
- They learn about nucleic acids and how it affects the hereditary.
Computer For Chemist |
CH 414(c) |
- To understand the computer programming and how this can be applied in chemistry.
Inorganic Laboratory Course |
CH-415 |
- Understand the gravimetric and volumetric titration of mixture of ions.
Organic Laboratory Course |
CH-416 |
- Understand the formation &mechanism of various organic compounds.
- Understand the formation &mechanism of various organic name reactions.
Physical Laboratory Course |
CH-417 |
- Understand the viscosity, surface tension of various liquids.
- Understand the concept of solubility of the inorganic mixtures &how temperature will affect solubility.
- To study experimentally the precipitation power of various cations.
Inorganic Chemistry |
CH-421 |
- Understand the electronic spectra and magnetic properties of the complexes.
- Understand the various metal cluster compounds.
Organic Chemistry |
CH-422 |
- Understand the reaction mechanism structure &reactivity in organic compounds.
- Understand the addition reactions ,free radical reactions ,elimination reactions ,pericyclic reactions.
Physical Chemistry |
CH-423 |
- Understand the Chemical Dynamics.
- Understand the non –equilibrium thermodynamics.
- They learn about the macromolecules, Surface Chemistry.
- Students also get in-depth knowledge of electrochemistry & electro catalysis.
Group Theory, Spectroscopy & Diffraction Methods |
CH-424 |
- Symmetry &group theory with detailed knowledge of point groups &their applications in spectroscopy.
- Students will get the basic knowledge of UV , MICROWAVE ,ESR , EQR SPECTROSCOPY.
- Understand the basic principle of photoelectric effect and diffraction technique.
Inorganic Laboratory |
CH-425 |
- Understand the preparation of various inorganic complexes.
Organic Laboratory |
CH-426 |
- Analyse the mixture of two organic solids qualitatively.
Physical Laboratory |
CH-427 |
- Understand the concept of inversion of cane-sugar through polarimetrically.
- Understand the potentiometery which will help them to determine the valency of mercurous ion, ph value, heat of reaction, hydrolysis constant.
- Understand the flame photometry.
Application of Spectroscopy |
CH-511 |
- Understand the ESR, NMR, MS, UV, IR, C13, Mossbauer spectroscopy and how these can be use to study the structure of compounds.
Organotransition Metal Chemistry |
CH-512 |
- Understand the compounds of transition metal with multiple bonds and bonds with hydrogen.
- Learn about alkyl and aryl complexes of transition metal.
- Understand the homogeneous catalysis.
Heterocyclic Chemistry |
CH-513 |
- Understand nomenclature of heterocyclic compounds.
- heterocyclic synthesis, synthesis of pharmaceutical compounds having heterocyclic ring with one or two heteroatom, synthesis of 1,2- azoles, 1,3 azoles
Environmental Chemistry |
CH-514 |
- Understand the environment pollution in hydrosphere and atmosphere with its protective measures.
Inorganic Laboratory Course |
CH-515 |
- Estimate the cations and anions by colorimetric ally.
- Understand how to separate the cations and anions by ion exchange method, solvent extraction, column and paper chromatography.
Organic Laboratory Course |
CH-516 |
- Understand preparation of various of organic compounds.
- Learn about TLC, Column chromatography, paper chromatography for the separation of various components in mixture.
Physical Laboratory Course |
CH-517 |
- Perform conduct metric measurements, comparison of strength of acids by chemical kinetics, phase equilibrium.
Biophysical Chemistry |
CH-521 |
- Understanding the various parameters to study biomolecules.
- They learn about various enzymes, macromolecules, nucleic acids.
- Understand the thermodynamics of biomolecules.
- Understand the biopolymer interactions., cell membrane &transport of ions.
Organic Synthesis–I |
CH-522 |
- Understand organometallic reagents, various organic synthesis.
- Understand the oxidation and reduction reactions in organic synthesis.
- Students will learn about various rearrangements involved in organic synthesis.
Chemistry Of Natural Products |
CH-523 |
- Understand the structure determination, biosynthesis, synthesis of terpenoids & carotenoids.
- Learn about the physiological action &occurrence of alkaloids, steroids.
- They learn about synthesis of various plant pigments, porphyrins, prostaglandins.
Photochemistry And Solid State |
CH-524 |
- Understand photochemical reaction, study their reaction mechanisms.
- Understand photochemistry of alkenes, carbonyl compounds, aromatic compounds
- They learn about various crystal defects in solids, organic solids, new superconductors, electronic properties of metals.
Inorganic Laboratory Course |
CH-525 |
- Understand the basic difference between oxidation and reduction precipitation titrations.
- Students will learn to know how to find the hardness of water and how it can removed.
- Understand oxidation and reduction process involving iodine.
Organic Laboratory Course |
CH-526 |
- Perform the experiments regarding extraction of organic compound like tea leaves, milk, tomatoes, etc.
- Estimate the strength of glucose and sucrose.
- Find the saponification value.
30 Physical Laboratory Course |
CH-527 |
- Understand currents potential relationships.
- Spectrophotometric analysis.
- Determination of iron content using colorimeter.
- Estimate molar refractivity, use of paper chromatography to differentiate various sugars and amino acids.