

For the holistic development of the students, a number of value based practices are carried out in the college. These practices are central to achieve the goal of the college that is to explore the best in the students and to bring them up as excellent personalities. For the holistic development of the students as well as provide them opportunities to excel in their chosen field.

Our Best practices are:

• To develop scientific skills
• Women Empowerment

To Develop Scientific Skills


Our college was established in 1968 with a mission to impart quality Science Education to the semi urban youth. To realize our mission, we have started this practice of inviting renowned personalities/scientists in the college to nurture scientific attitude in the students of the college and orienting them towards research.


As our college caters to the needs of the semi –urban youth, this practice was highly desired. The semi urban youth need exposure to the outer modern global world. Feeling the need to provide them opportunities where they can get a chance to upgrade their knowledge and to inspire them by interacting with the renowned personalities from the prestigious institutions. This practice facilitates their academic growth and acquaints them with the latest concepts.


Eminent scientists are invited to the institute to deliver lectures based upon their field of research in addition to general advanced topics by Deptt. of Chemistry, Deptt. of Botany, Deptt. of Physics and Deptt. of Zoology.Scientists from different fields were invited to the college during various programs like, workshops , science fiesta, seminars and extension lectures who enlighten the students with their knowledge and experience. This helps in enriching their knowledge and create interest in their mind for the subject. The scientists also help the students and faculty members to understand recent developments in the field of science and clear doubts leading to clarity of subject. The students are also taken to research institutes for practical demonstrations and to expose them to the variety of techniques being used in these institutes. During this session, students got the opportunity to meet number of scientists, to name a few,

  1. Department of Chemistry organized a Lecture series on the theme “X-Ray Diffraction, Transmission electron microscopy Spectroscopy and Ultra fast Spectroscopy” on 29-10-2019 in association with the Department of Chemical Sciences, Indian Institute of Science Education And Research, Mohali. Dr. Sanjay Mandal, Senior Professor, presented a talk on X- Ray Crystallography: single crystal and powder and applications .Dr. Ujjal K. Gautam, Assistant professor delivered a talk on Transmission Electron Microscopy Imaging and its related techniques. In addition to this, Dr. Sugumar Venkatramani and Dr. Mahir Singh Sidhu imparted knowledge to our students of M.Sc II Chemistry and B.Sc III on IR Spectroscopy and Ultra fast Laser and its role in spectroscopy.
  2. Department of Botany organized a Seminar on the theme “Popularization of Science “ sponsored by IINSA on 12-2-2020 for the students of UG and PG classes in which former vice chancellor , PU Chandigarh Prof. R. C . Sobti was the resource person. Dr. Parminder singh, controller examination,P.U. Chandigarh also addressed the students on this occasion.
  3. Interdisciplinary approach to be adopted by all departments in teaching. A Lecture series on “Innovation in Sciences was organized on 21-10-2019 comprising of 3 lectures. Dr. Felix Bast, Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, Central University of Punjab Bhatinda, delivered a talk on Voyage to Antarctica: Memoirs from 36th Indian Scientific Expedition to Antarctica.
  4. Daisy Rani Batish, Professor Department of Botany Panjab University, Chandigarh, delivered a talk on Biodiversity : Status depletion and conservation.
  5. Gurcharan Singh, Director , Sanmati Govt. College of Science Education and Research, Jagraon, delivered a talk on Basic Science of Medical Imaging
  6. A National Seminar on Water Resources : Challenges and Management sponsored by College Development Council , Panjab University, Chandigarh was organized on 25-2-2020. The Key note address was presented by Dr. K.G. Singh, HOD , Department of Soil and water engineering Panjab Agricultural University , Ludhiana.Presidential address was delivered by Dr. Naresh Sehajpal, scientist-H/ outstanding scientist-retd., Human Resource Development Centre, Gaziabad CSIR.Dr. Rajan Aggarwal, Senior Research Engineer, Department of Soil and Water Engineering, Panjab Agricultural sUniversity, Ludhiana gave a talk on Water Conservation and Management. Interdisciplinary approach to be adopted by all departments.

Our college organizes the two day mega event science Fiesta. Science fiesta was organized on 18-10-2019 and 21-10-2019. On the first day ,inter school and inter college competitions of power point presentation Essay writing and speech competition were held on the topicI Innovation in Sciences which was attended by 108 students from 12 colleges and 68 students from 7 schools. The second day ie 21-10-2019 was marked by Lecture series by renowned scientists.

Evidence of success

The interest of the students in the subject increased after interaction with the visiting scientists and research institutes. But after such an interaction with the renowned personalities they were motivated and encouraged and number of them joined post graduate courses. Problem encountered and resources required: Being a government institute, it is managed by grants from different funding agencies like DBT, UGC and state council for carrying out such activities in the college. PTA fund is also used in case of shortage of funds.


(2) Women Empowerment

Our college has always provided safe and congenial atmosphere to the girl students. We have more girl students than boys in the college. Every effort is made to encourage and empower them by the college staff.


  • To make them aware of their rights and identity.
  • To prepare them for facing the challenges of life.
  • To eradicate the evils from the society like female foeticide, dowry system.
  • To address their problems by providing counseling.


The majority of the girls belong to semi urban middle class families who still believe in the submissiveness of women. It becomes our responsibility to develop confidence in them and to prepare them for facing the challenges of life.


Women forum has been established in the college with the aim of empowering students and teachers. The Investiture ceremony was held on 7-2-2020 to designate them as President, Vice president and other positions. Lectures by dignitaries and other competitions are organized to make them aware of issues related to them. To accomplish this purpose Poster making, Speech competition etc are organized to create awareness about their rights. Speech competition was organized in the college on 5-3-2020 on the topic Empowerment of Women in which students enthusiastically participated and expressed their views vehemently. Lectures by renowned personalities and director also encourage them to rise in life. The international women’s day is celebrated in the college in which renowned female personalities are invited to motivate the students to rise in life.This day was celebrated on 9-3-2020 in which Dr. Manisha Maini,Gynocologist from local Maini Hopital was invited to address the students on Women Empowerment as well as prevention from Corona virus. Poshan Maah was celebrated in the college to create awareness in the students about the right nutrition for curbing Anemia in women.Dr.Ranbir Kaur from civil hospital jagraon addressed the students about importance of right nutrition for women.Sexual Harassment Prevention cell: The college has also established Sexual harassment prevention cell to provide a safe and healthy environment to the girl students and female teachers. Till date, no case has been reported to this cell. Evidence of success: The girl students became aware of their rights and were motivated to achieve higher aims in life. The students who felt shy during interactions were encouraged to become bold and active after these kinds of programs. They discussed their problems and issues with the female members of the women forum and were provided with all the necessary guidance. The problem encountered and resources required: The PTA fund was used to organize such programs for the upliftment of the girl students of the college.